

.HU is the country code top-level domain of Hungary.

Rekisteröinti 18,82 EUR
Siirto 18,82 EUR
Uusinta 18,82 EUR
Lunastus -.-- EUR
Omistajan vaihto 25,10 EUR

.HU domain registrations are only available to residents of following countries: Andorra, Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Great Britain, Georgia, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Monaco, Moldavia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Russia, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovak Republic, San Marino, Turkey, Ukraine.


In order to transfer a .HU domain name, the domain owner will have to fill in a (physical) transfer order form. The form will be provided to you via email once you have ordered the transfer. We will forward the filled form to the authorities.
Note the following:
  • The transfer order form must be filled, printed, signed and scanned by the domain owner.
  • The transfer order form needs to contain 2 witness fields.
  • The transfer order needs to be sealed with an official company seal.
  • Due to the transit of the forms, it may take several days to process the transfer of a .HU domain.
The transfer fee is fully an administrative fee to cover the costs of the form processing. The transfer does not contain any renewals.

Tietosuoja ja ehdot
Tietosuojaluokitus (GDPR)
Rekisteröintiehdot https://www.domain.hu/domain-registration-policy/
Hallinnoija Scientific Association of Council of Hungarian Internet Providers (HU)
Tietosuoja ja ehdot
Verkkotunnuksen pituus 3-63 merkkiä
Rekisteröintikausi 2 vuotta
Uusintakausi 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 vuotta
30 päivää
0 päivää
0 päivää
Välittäjän vaihtoavaimet
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